Updates From Jam Submission Time

As a part of the game jam's rules, I was not allowed to add any features or new gameplay to the game. We were, however allowed to patch things and make hot fixes, so I feel like the changes I've made were not against the spirit of the jam and its rules. The changes were as follows:

General bugs and glitches - There were issues with being unable to jump or do some other functions while possessing other bodies, which was the result of a null reference exception, and things not linked together as they should have been. For the most part, everything was fixed, or at least every major issue that I was aware of.

Control scheme - Many people commented that the controls are weird. Since I'm used to playing with a gamepad, I was unaware of how ubiquitous the SPACE bar was to jumping, so I switched the jump and the jack button maps. And also added additional mappings to Z and X on the keyboard to accommodate people who like to play with the arrow keys. Hopefully this will make the game more playable for most people.

Font - One comment I got was that the font was hard to read. It's not a text heavy game, but I added a new font for general text. It's not perfect, but hopefully it's better and more legible than before.


CyberJackSourceCode.zip 80 MB
May 30, 2022
May 31, 2022
Build.zip Play in browser
May 31, 2022

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